The latest Brussels Policy Briefing n. 54 on ”Sustainable agriculture: where are we on SDGs implementation?” took place on 27th February 2019 (European Commission, Charlemagne Building, Alcide de Gasperi Room, Rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels).

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The Brussels Briefing 54 discussed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, examining the status of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the progress made with respect to Zero Hunger (SDG 2) on agriculture, food security and nutrition in ACP countries.
In particular, the Briefing featured an exchange of views and experiences on: the policies, practices and partnerships that have been successful in driving the goal of SDG 2, with a focus on landmark developments at local, national and regional levels; the achievements and best experiences in developing partnerships for SDG 2 implementation; the next steps on SDG 2 delivery.
Lessons were shared from both the ACP and EU, with a discussion of the factors for success,their replicability, and potential for upscaling.

The Briefing was co-organised by CTA, the European Commission (DG Devco), the ACP Secretariat and CONCORD.

NEW! on the subject of ”Sustainable agriculture and SDGs”

Background Note and Programme



Biodata of the speakers



Evaluation Results

>Online Survey BB54<


08h00-09h00 Registration

09h00-09h15 Opening of the Briefing: Isolina Boto, Manager, CTA Brussels Office [video]

Introductory remarks: Viwanou Gnassounou, Assistant-Secretary-General, ACP Secretariat [video] ; Michel De Knoop, Policy Officer – Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition (DEVCO.C.1), EuropeAid, European Commission [video] ; Michael Hailu, Director of CTA [video]

09h15-11h00 Panel 1: Frameworks, Partnerships and Progress

This panel will provide an overview on SDGs, and more especially SDG 2, and bring various perspectives from policy, research and the private sector.

Introduction Panel 1: Isolina Boto and Viwanou Gnassounou [video]


  • Where are we on SDG2 implementation: Trends and projections
    Asfandiyar Khan, Statistical Unit, FAO  [presentation|video]
  • Transforming food systems to reach SDG2
    Patrick Caron, Chair, UN High-level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition [presentation|video]
  • Review of the framework, processes and actors to support SDGs implementation
    Stefano Prato, Managing Director, Society for International Development (SID) [video]
  • Data for SDGs implementation: availability, access and use
    Muchiri Nyaggah, Executive Director, Local Development Research Institute, Kenya [presentation|video]

Panel 1: Questions and Answers [video]

11h00-11h15 Coffee Break

11h15-13h00 Panel 2: Best practices towards successful SDGs implementation

This panel will look at specific examples of successful delivery of initiatives and programmes in support of SDG2.

Introduction Panel 2: Isolina Boto and Michel De Knoop [video]


  • Successes in SDGs implementation: the case of Mali
    Modibo Traoré, Director of Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mali [presentation|video]
  • Support and finance from the private sector towards SDGs implementation
    Daniel Ohonde, Chief Executive Officer, AECF, Kenya [ presentation|video]
  • Organic and agro-ecological approaches contributing to SDGs’ implementation
    Gurbir S. Bhullar, Group lead Tropical Agriculture, FiBL [presentation|video]
  • SDG2: cost and evidence reviews to expand sustainable practices
    Carin Smaller, Team Leader Agriculture& Investment, IISD, Co-Director, CERES 2030 [presentation|video]

Panel 2: Questions and Answers [video]

Concluding Remarks Viwanou Gnassounou and Michael Hailu [video]

13h00 Networking Lunch