On 2 July 2008, CTA, in partnership with the European Commission – DG Development and EuropeAid – the EU Presidency, the ACP Secretariat, Euforic, Concord and IPS Europe, organised the sixth ‘Brussels Development Briefing’ – part of a series of discussion meetings on key issues and challenges for rural development in the context of EU/ACP cooperation.

This briefing focussed on the theme: New Drivers, New Players in ACP rural development . In particular, the briefing looked at the agricultural and rural development sector in the context of ACP countries, the role of private foundations (Bill Gates, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Rockefeller Foundation etc) and the role of emerging donors (China, India, Brazil, Japan) in ACP countries. The discussions provided valuable input for the coming Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness to be held in Accra on 2-4 September 2008.

View the programme, presentations and video material, speaker information, video interviews, and selected documents available online.

For more information please contact Isolina Boto (boto@cta.int) or Romano Purro (rp@euforic.org)

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